European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays
2024-07-24 00:46:36

યુરોપિયન અને અમેરિકન સર્જનાત્મક સુશોભન સિરામિક ટ્રે, હોમ ફોયર સજાવટ, બુદ્ધના હાથના ઘરેણાંની ટ્રે, પામ કોસ્ટર, સ્ટોરેજ ટ્રે


શિપિંગચેકઆઉટ પર ગણતરી.

Blue Type A Eyes ભૂરો પ્રકાર A આંખો
Pink B style eyes ગુલાબી બી શૈલીની આંખો
Large round C style eyes મોટી રાઉન્ડ C શૈલીની આંખો
Colorful D style eyes રંગીન ડી શૈલી આંખો
CF0172 સીએફ0172
ચિત્રમાં બતાવ્યા પ્રમાણે
- +

ગેરંટી સીલ - 100% સલામત સ્ટોર.

સંદેશો છોડો
શેર ઉત્પાદન:
સંપત્તિ વિગતો:
ક્રોસ બોર્ડર પેકેજ વજન
એકમ વજન
સામગ્રી પોત
સફેદ પોર્સલેઇન
આઇટમ નંબર
સેરામિક ઝવેલરી ડિસ્ક
સામાન્ય પેકેજિંગ
શું તે માલનો પેટન્ટ સ્રોત છે?
બ્લુ શૈલી એ આંખો, ગુલાબી શૈલી બી આંખો, મોટા રાઉન્ડ શૈલી સી આંખો, રંગ શૈલી ડી આંખો, સીએફ 0172, YJSSD019, YJSSD020
શું તે માલનો ક્રોસ-બોર્ડર નિકાસ વિશિષ્ટ સ્રોત છે?
ચિત્રમાં બતાવ્યા પ્રમાણે
ભેટ આપવા માટે યોગ્ય પ્રસંગો
લગ્ન, જન્મદિવસ, મુસાફરીની યાદગાર, સ્નાતક, હાઉસવમિંગ, પાર્ટી મેળાવિંગ, અન્ય
લાગુ ભેટ
દંપતી, સાથી, મિત્ર, ક્લાસના સાથી છે
ભેટ આપવાનો હેતુ
ખરીદી ભેટો, વ્યવસાયિક ભેટ, જાહેરાત ભેટો, પ્રમોશનલ ભેટો, કોન્ફરન્સ ભેટો, કલ્યાણ ભેટ, ફેસ્ટિવલ ભેટો, પ્રશંસા અને સ્મારક ભેટ, જાહેર સંબંધો
તે ભેટ છે?
હા, વ્યક્તિગત ભેટ
તે આઈપી અધિકૃતતા છે?
લાગુ દૃશ્યો
ઘર, રેસ્ટોરન્ટ, ડેઝર્ટ દુકાન, કોસ્મેટિક્સ દુકાન
યુરોપિયન શૈલી
શું તમારી પાસે પેટન્ટ છે
કંઇ નથી
લાગુ ઉત્સવ
જીએમ, ક્રિસમસ, વેલેન્ટાઇન ડે, વ્પ્રિંગ ફેસ્ટિવલ, ફાધર્સ ડે, મધર ડે, શિક્ષક દિવસ, નવા વર્ષનો દિવસ, કિક્સી, ઇસ્ટર, રાષ્ટ્રીય દિવસ, મહિલા દિવસ
દેશ / મૂળનો વિસ્તાર
ચીની મેઈનલેન્ડ

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

European and American creative decorative ceramic trays, home foyer decorations, Buddha's hand jewelry trays, palm coasters, storage trays

ગ્રાહક સમીક્ષાઓ
દ્વારા સમીક્ષા${m.NickName}${m.CreatedAt|date:'medium'}
${total} Item
પૃષ્ઠ દીઠ
સમીક્ષાઓ કરી શકતા નથી

સમીક્ષાઓ ઉમેરવા માટે તમારે લ loginગિન અથવા નોંધણી કરવી આવશ્યક છે.

સહી ઇન અથવા નોંધણી

તમને પણ ગમશે

કોઈપણ સમયે અમારી સંપર્ક કરવા મફત લાગો

અમે તમને 24 કલાકની અંદર ઇમેઇલ દ્વારા જવાબ આપીશું.